Windows | Notes |
abtico50.dll | Reusable Icons: Needed if you use any of the reusable icons. |
abtln40.dll | (32-bit only) Domino Connection Support: Needed by all Domino Connection applications. |
abtntsir.exe | Windows Services Maintenance Utility: Needed to install and remove an application installed as a Windows Service. |
abtntsrv.exe | Windows Services runtime startup executable: Required by a Smalltalk application running as a Windows Service. |
abtpay90.dll | If present at development time, this file is required at run time. |
abtprc90.dll | VA Smalltalk Base Primitives: Always needed. |
abtvxt40.dll | Smalltalk Call-in support: Needed when calling into Smalltalk from C or COBOL. |
abtwci40.dll | (32-bit only) Smalltalk Server for CICS: Needed when running Smalltalk in CICS. |
abtwos40.dll | (32-bit only) Smalltalk Server for CICS: Needed when running Smalltalk in CICS. |
esae40.dll | ASCII-EBCDIC Translation Support: Always needed. |
escgi40.dll | Common Graphics Support: Always needed. |
esdec40.dll | Scaled Decimal Math Support: Although Scaled Decimal Math will work without this file, performance will be severely degraded. |
esmem40.dll | Performance Workbench Support: Needed if ENVY/Stats function is packaged. |
esswp40.dll | Swapper Support: Needed if using swapper function. Retrieving messages from .CAT and .MPR files uses swapper function. |
esver40.dll | Image Verification Support: Needed if the image verification primitives are used. |
esvio.exe | Smalltalk startup executable: Needed to run an XD-packaged headless Smalltalk application (it may have a different name -- matching the image name). |
esvm40.dll | Smalltalk Virtual Machine: Always needed. |
eszip40.dll | Smalltalk Zip/Unzip Binary: Needed by all applications using zip/unzip functions. |
nodialog.exe | Smalltalk runtime startup executable: Needed to run a packaged GUI application (it may have a different name -- matching the image name). |
nodialog.exe.manifest | Smalltalk runtime startup executable manifest: Needed to run a packaged GUI application with Windows Themes (it may have a different name -- matching the Smalltalk runtime startup executable name). |
scilexer.dll | Scintilla Support Binary: Needed to run a packaged GUI application that uses the Scintilla Editor Widget. |
sqlite3.dll | Sqlite3 Binary: Needed by all applications using Sqlite functions. |
sqlite3.exe | Sqlite3 Command Line Interface: Needed if you want to use the command line interface to Sqlite3 at run time. |
vasslthreads.dll | OpenSSL Multi-threading Binary: Needed by all applications using Cryptography support. |
Windows | Notes |
buttons*.bmp | Reusable bitmaps: needed if you use a the container icon tree part with default buttons for expanding and collapsing the tree |
clks.bmp | Progress indicator clock: Needed by all ReportWriter applications. |
triangli*bmp | Reusable bitmaps: needed if you use a the container icon tree part with triangular buttons for expanding and collapsing the tree |
Windows | Notes |
*.ic | Image Component Files: Some or all of these files may be needed at runtime. Refer to "Determining the required ICs" |
Windows | Notes |
sstidlic.swp | CORBA Bindings File: Needed by SST IIOP applications to prime the IDL cache. |
Windows | Notes |
*.cat | Message Catalog Files: Some or all of these files may be needed at runtime. Refer to Determining required CAT and MPR files for an IC'd runtime image or Determining required CAT and MPR files for a reduced runtime image. |
*.mpr | Message Catalog Files: Some or all of these files may be needed at runtime. Refer to Determining required CAT and MPR files for an IC'd runtime image or Determining required CAT and MPR files for a reduced runtime image. | | Mapping File: Needed to find help files and icons. |
Windows | Notes |
cursors.obj | Font cursor definitions: Needed when starting up on an IC or if your code sends CgServer>>#initializeFontCursors. |
rgb.txt | Color database definitions: Needed when starting up on an IC or if your code sends CgServer>>#initializeColorDatabase |
Windows | Notes |
*.* | Olsen timezone database files: Needed to fully support time zones. |
Windows | Notes |
abtwsi.cnf | Web Connection Configuration File: Needed by all Web Connection applications. |
abtwsi.jar | Web Connection Servlet Support: Needed by all Web Connection applications using a servlet WSI. | | Web Connection Servlet Properties: Needed by all Web Connection applications using a servlet WSI. |
Windows | Notes |
abtwsac.exe | CGI Support: Needed for Web Connection applications using the CGI. This file should be copied to the 'cgi-bin' directory of the web server. |
abtwsam.dll | Microsoft Internet Server API Support: Needed for Web Connection applications using the Microsoft Internet Server API (ISAPI). |
abtwsc.dll | Web Connection Support: Needed by Web Connection applications using ISAPI or CGI. |
abtwstt.dll | TCP/IP Transport Support: Needed by Web Connection applications using ISAPI or CGI. |
Windows | Notes |
abtcldef.dtd | XML attribute specification DTD: Needed by XML applications that define an attribute specification for Smalltalk objects without using VA Smalltalk interface specifications. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file that is required to parse XML schema definitions. | | Contains unique mappings to enable unambiguous serialization of objects that can be mapped to a variety of schema types. |
abtxmap.dtd | XML mapping specification DTD: Needed by XML applications that map parsed DOM objects into domain objects. | | An XML mapping specification that enables seamless mapping of common Java types into Smalltalk objects. |
sstaxis.xsd | An XML schema that contains definitions for common Java types including 'Map', 'Hashtable', and 'Vector' | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse SOAP constructs (ie. SOAP:Array) into Smalltalk objects. |
sstsoenc.xsd | XML schema definitions for SOAP encoding namespace. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse SOAP 1.2 constructs (ie. SOAP:Array) into Smalltalk objects. |
sstsoenc12.xsd | XML schema definitions for SOAP 1.2 encoding namespace. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse SOAP requests into Smalltalk objects. |
sstsoenv.xsd | XML schema definitions for SOAP Envelopenamespace. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse SOAP 1.2 requests into Smalltalk objects. |
sstsoenv12.xsd | XML schema definitions for SOAP 1.2 Envelope namespace. |
sstwsadi.wsd | WSDL containing the abstract interface description for the VA Smalltalk Web services container administration service. |
sstwsadm.wsd | WSDL containing the implementation description for the VA Smalltalk Web services container administration service. |
sstwsadm.xml | Deployment descriptor file used for deployment of the VA Smalltalk Web services container administration service. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse Web service deployment descriptors into Smalltalk objects. |
sstwsdep.xsd | XML schema definitions for VA Smalltalk Web service deployment. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse WSDL files into Smalltalk objects. |
sstwsdl.xsd | XML schema definitions for WSDL. | | VA Smalltalk mapping specification file required to parse SOAP 1.2 WSDL files into Smalltalk objects. |
sstwsdlsoap12.xsd | XML schema definitions for SOAP 1.2 WSDL. |
xml.xsd | An XML schema used to parse basic XML structures. |