FAQ : Platform Support (Linux, Windows) : Q: How can I get the default Windows application icon for any given file?
Q: How can I get the default Windows application icon for any given file?
VA Smalltalk contains the method OSHinstance >>extractAssociatedIcon: lpIconPath lpiIcon: lpiIcon but there are no senders of it or documentation on how to use it.
This code snippet shows how to use the method to obtain the icon associated with a file. You can refer to the MSDN article ExtractAssociatedIcon function for further details.
| modHandle iconHandle iconPath iconIndex icon|
modHandle := OSHmodule getModuleHandle: nil. "nil means my .exe"
iconPath:= 'd:\vamgr\inst\uninst.exe'. "We'll get the icon of this file"
iconIndex := ByteArray new: 4.
iconHandle := modHandle extractAssociatedIcon: iconPath asPSZ lpiIcon: iconIndex.
iconHandle ifNotNil: [ icon := CgIcon fromOSIcon: iconHandle ].
(Array with: icon with: iconPath with: iconIndex) inspect "Let's see what we got"
"Remember to destroy the icon when you're finished with it -- iconhandle destroyIcon"
Last modified date: 01/29/2015