Q: What Applications do we need at runtime?
We’ve packaged our runtime application, but we don’t know what code we are permitted to distribute with the runtime product.
The following VAST code components, are designed to be distributed in a runtime product, whether delivered as a runtime image or set of packaged ICs.
Each of the code components, whether identified by ENVY Application or Configuration Map listed below may be redistributed by you for use as part of a runtime product created by you using VA Smalltalk/ VAST Platform if the runtime product is dependent upon code residing in such a VAST code component . Complete information regarding your rights and responsibilities when redistributing these files and applications are described in the Program License Agreement for VA Smalltalk/ VAST Platform.
Please note that VAST code components must all belong to the same platform and VA Smalltalk/ VAST Platform version as the VAST installation or Server Runtime in which the runtime product is deployed. Mixing code a components and runtime environments from different versions can have unpredictable results. The version of the run time package must match the version of the development environment used to generate the run time. You can look at file timestamps to determine whether the files in your run time environment belong to a single version. On Windows, the properties of DLLs and executables also identify the version to which they belong.
Last modified date: 01/30/2024