Q: Why don't some or all of the available Features show up in the load/unload features dialog?
When I select Tools -> Load/Unload Features… from the Transcript menu, I don’t see all (or any) features listed.
You most likely have a mismatch between the fix pack level provided in the .ini file and the version of code available in the code repository.
The fplevel in the .ini file controls what features will be shown -- if you are running a lower version .ini against a higher version library, some of all of the features will not show (i.e., fplevel=1 in the .ini file and library has only V8.0.3 code in it).
This level of control was done so that you could run, for example, a V8.0 image (with matching .ini) out of a merged 8.0/8.0.1/8.0.2/8.0.3 manager and get the right version of the feature. But it does break (in a non-obvious way) if you hook a V8.0 or V8.0.1 image to a manager with only V8.0.3 code in it.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015