Versioning packaging instructions
In order to use the packaging instructions which the packager saved in the code library, you must first load them into a clean development image and version them. Doing so will make it easier to reload them the next time you package.
In the example above, SampleSinglePackageClass contains the newly created packaging instructions. It belongs to SampleSinglePackageApp.
It is safer not to save the image after running the packager in the XD image.
Here are the steps to version the packaging instructions just now generated by the packager.
1. Use the XD Transcript to transfer control back to the development image.
2. Exit the image without saving by closing the Transcript window.
3. Reopen your development image,
4. Load the packaging instructions in the SampleSinglePackageApp using an Application Manager pull down menu Applications>Available > Application.
a. You will see that SampleSinglePackageApp has an undefined class in it. Load that class, SampleSinglePackageClass.
b. Version and release SampleSinglePackageClass.
c. Version SampleSinglePackageApp.
5. Save the image and exit.
Now, any time you load SampleSinglePackageApp into the development image, the packaging instructions will be available to package the project.
Last modified date: 05/09/2019