Report Shell events
The Report Shell part has the following events associated with it:
The aboutToFormat event signals that the report is about to be formatted for printing. You can use this event to prompt users to set formatting options, such as paper size or margins, for example, before the report is printed.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
The finishedFormatting event signals that the report has been formatted for printing. You can use this event to prompt users to set printing options, such as a destination printer or page ranges, for example, before the report is printed.
The pageBodyCompleted event signals that the body section of the report has been printed.
The pageCompleted event signals that the report page has been printed.
The pageStarted event signals that the report page has started being formatted.
The terminatedFormatting event occurs when formatting of the report has been stopped.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015