Programmer Reference : Appendix C. Drag and drop resources and callbacks
Appendix C. Drag and drop resources and callbacks
This section provides a detailed listing of the resources and callbacks for each class in the Drag and Drop subsystem. Note that only the set resource methods are shown in each table, unless a resource only has a get method. Get methods have the same name without the colon. Create/Set/Get (CSG) access designation and default value are listed for each resource and callback.
The example Table 1. CwArrowButton resource and callback methods in Appendix A, "Widget resources and callbacks" shows how to use the tables in this appendix.
Table 113. EwDragAndDropAdapter resource and callback methods
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the a drag has been canceled while the receiver's widget is either the source or target of a drag. The reason is XmCRDRAGCANCEL. Calldata type is as follows: EwSourceCancelCallbackData for a cancel when the widget is the source. EwTargetCancelCallbackData for a cancel when the widget is the target.
EwDragAndDropAdapter also inherits resource and callback methods from EwDragAndDropAdapter and Object.
Table 114. EwSourceAdapter resource and callback methods
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the operation or target has changed during a drag from the receiver's widget. The reason is XmCRDRAGCHANGE. Calldata type is EwDragChangeCallbackData.
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when a drag of items from the receiver's widget has completed; that is, the items have been dropped elsewhere. The callback reason is XmCRDRAGCOMPLETE. Calldata type is EwDragCompleteCallbackData.
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when a drag and drop is started in the receiver's widget. The callback reason is XmCRDRAGSTART. Calldata type is EwDragStartCallbackData.
EwSourceAdapter also inherits resource and callback methods from EwSourceAdapter, EwDragAndDropAdapter and Object.
Table 115. EwTargetAdapter resource and callback methods
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when items that were being dragged over the receiver's widget are dragged away from the receiver's widget. The callback reason is XmCRDRAGLEAVE. Calldata type is EwDragLeaveCallbackData.
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when items are being dragged over the receiver's widget. The callback reason is XmCRDRAGOVER. Calldata type is EwDragOverCallbackData.
OrderedCollection new
Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when items are dropped on the receiver's widget. The callback reason is XmCRDROP. Calldata type isEwDropCallbackData.
EwTargetAdapter also inherits resource and callback methods from EwTargetAdapter, EwDragAndDropAdapter and Object.
EwTargetAdapter also inherits resource and callback methods from EwTargetAdapter (Table 115), EwDragAndDropAdapter (Table 113) and Object.
Last modified date: 04/19/2020