Fast Solution
Taking into account the guideline of Performance considerations, the previous code for file conversion into documents should look like this:
| inFile db note values |
"Startup runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment startUp.
"Open the import database"
db := AbtLnConnection local openDatabase: 'vasample\perf.nsf'.
"Open the text file"
inFile := CfsReadFileStream open: 'c:\notes\data\vasample\test.txt'.
"Read lines till the end of the file"
[inFile atEnd] whileFalse: [
"Convert line into a collection, words are tab (9) separated"
values := inFile nextLine subStrings: (9 asCharacter).
"Create a new empty note without items"
"This is a smart solution, because you know
every item you want to include and you are
not interested in default values"
note := db newNote.
"Add appropriate items and values step by step"
note addTextNamed: 'Name'.
note at: 'Name' put: (values at: 1).
note addTextNamed: 'Zip'.
note at: 'Zip' put: (values at: 2).
note addNumberNamed: 'Sales'.
note at: 'Sales' put: ((values at: 3) asNumber ).
"store the document"
note store.
"Close the database"
db close.
"Shutdown runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment shutDown.
This implementation is about twice as fast as the code presented in Slow Solution. The main difference is the use of newNote instead of newNoteFromComputedForm:. The latter retrieves the form note from the database each time it is called and in addition to that executes all form formulas. As you just want to pass values into documents this is unnecessary.
The following code shows how to optimize the second job - finding the best sales for a zip code region. First you have to create a second view in the database. It should be called "Sales by ZipCode" and should have the following structure: The first column holds the first number of the Zip code of every document and must be categorized. The second column holds the sales figures sorted in descending order. Now you can use an AbtLnDatabaseView to retrieve the data already preprocessed for you.
| inFile db highScore zipRegion zipScore currentScore time view|
"Start runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment startUp.
"Open the database"
db := AbtLnConnection local openDatabase: 'vasample\perf.nsf'.
"Initialize the highscore dictionary"
highScore := Dictionary new.
"Open the view"
view := db openViewRebuild: 'Sales by ZipCode'.
"Get the all categories from the root node"
view root children do: :node |
"As the second column is sorted, select the
first entry of the collection returned by expanding the
category nodes. Do not open the note but retrieve the values
from the pseudo note contained in the document node"
highScore at: (node category)
put: (node children first pseudoNote at: 'Sales').
"Close the database"
db close.
"Shutdown runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment shutDown.
Depending on the size of the database this implementation is two to four times faster than the solution presented in Slow Solution. The main advantage is that you use the Domino indexing facility to preprocess the data. Using special views is a good practice to speed up search and indexing operations for your Domino Connection applications.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015