Slow Solution
Here is the slow solution of the ASCII file import.
| inFile db note values |
"Startup runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment startUp.
"Open the import database"
db := AbtLnConnection local openDatabase: 'vasample\perf.nsf'.
"Open the text file"
inFile := CfsReadFileStream open: 'c:\notes\data\vasample\test.txt'.
"Read lines till the end of the file"
[inFile atEnd] whileFalse: [
"Convert line into a collection, words are tab (9) separated"
values := inFile nextLine subStrings: (9 asCharacter).
"Create a new document from the form definition"
"Execute the default value formulas"
"This is time consuming !!"
note := db newNoteFromComputedForm: 'CustomerData'.
"Set values"
note at: 'Name' put: (values at: 1).
note at: 'Zip' put: (values at: 2).
note at: 'Sales' put: ((values at: 3) asNumber ).
"store the document"
note store.
"Close the database and the file"
db close.
inFile close.
"Shutdown runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment shutDown.
After importing the data comes the second part of the job: Find the best sales for a certain region (defined by the first digit of the zip code).
| inFile db highScore zipRegion zipScore currentScore time |
"Start runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment startUp.
"Open the database"
db := AbtLnConnection local openDatabase: 'vasample\perf.nsf'.
"Initialize the highscore dictionary"
highScore := Dictionary new.
"Read every note"
"This is time consuming because you actually have to open
every note in the database"
db allNotes do: [ :note |
note fill.
"Find the zip region and compare the sales"
zipRegion := ((note at: 'Zip' ) at: 1).
currentScore := (note at: 'Sales').
zipScore := highScore at: zipRegion
ifAbsent: [ highScore at: zipRegion put: currentScore.].
(zipScore <= currentScore)
ifTrue: highScore at: zipRegion put: currentScore ]
db close.
AbtLnEnvironment shutDown.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015