Make Executable
Use the Make Executable window to package applications into an executable file (or a runtime image) or to change prerequisites for an application.
Push buttons
Opening the Make Executable window
To open the Make Executable window, do either of the following:
From the Applications menu, select Make Executable.
Windows to show at startup
The Windows to show at startup field lists the visual parts in the selected application and the option <None>.
Only use this field if you are making an executable file.
Prerequisite applications
The Prerequisite applications field lists the named prerequisites for the selected application.
Prerequisites are applications that an application needs to function properly. If the selected application uses prerequisites other than those shown in the Prerequisite applications field or if it uses prerequisites that cannot be redistributed, then you need to change the prerequisites.
The online .API file names the applications that can and cannot be included in a runtime image. Applications that cannot be redistributed must not be named in the Prerequisite applications field when you package an application.
Select Change to open a dialog that lists prerequisites available to the selected application and the prerequisites currently used by the selected application.
Use this dialog to change the prerequisites for your application.
Select OK to commence generating the executable file.
Do not select OK if you are only changing the prerequisites for an application. Instead, select Cancel.
Last modified date: 10/01/2019