Common errors to watch for
Certain errors are common with connections. Becoming familiar with these error conditions helps you to more quickly identify and solve them.
Incorrect connection order
Connections from the same event or attribute execute in the order that you create them. Connections executing in the wrong order is probably the most common error with connections. Tracing the connections of your visual part and inspecting the values being passed along them enables you to spot connections that are executing in the wrong order, causing unexpected values and results in your application. To change the order of your connections once you have identified an error, select Reorder Connections From from the pop-up menu on the erroneous connection's source part in the Composition Editor. Drag and drop the connections in the Reorder Connections window to reorder them, and close the window.
Missing or extraneous connections
Tracing the connections of your visual part also enables you to spot when you may have forgotten to create a connection altogether, or when you may have forgotten to delete a connection that is no longer needed. To fix the error, create the missing connection or delete the extraneous connection in the Composition Editor.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015