An instance of <OsPipelineChain> is a collection of processes and pipelines that have been wired together with logic gates to create conditional flows. These are used if the user wants to control which future path of processes/pipelines should be executed based on an output condition from a previous process/pipeline.
A pipeline chain has a left-hand side (lhs) whose output exit code will be evaluated by a conditional operator or user-defined block. Depending on the conditional evaluation, the right-hand side (rhs) may or may not be evaluated. This means the terminal process is only known after conditional evaluation has occurred.
The exit code of the pipeline chain is the exit code of the (conditional) terminal process.
A user should use an <OsPipelineChainStarter> to construct an instance of an <OsPipelineChain>. @see the class comments of <OsPipelineChainStarter> for more information on how to do this.
As mentioned, the pipeline chain is composed of the left-hand side, an operator and a right-hand side.
For more information, see the method comments from the following methods in <OsPipelineChain>: #lhs, #operator, #rhs
The user can get the left-hand side and right-hand side of the pipeline chain. Each of those may be a process, pipeline or pipeline chain.
The initial process is the very first process in the pipeline chain that will execute. The terminal process the last process in the chain to execute. Given that the chain operator may make this conditional, the terminal process
may not be available until the chain completes.
For more information, see the method comments from the following methods in <OsPipelineChain>: #initialProcess, #pids, #terminalProcess, #uids
Standard I/O
A pipeline chain can answer its stdin, stdout and stderr streams. A pipeline chain is an abstract concept relating to how real processes are conditionally linked together, but we can still map these standard I/O concepts in a way that makes sense.
Asking for the inputStream of a pipeline chain is the same as asking for the inputStream of its initial process. As mentioned, the initial process is the initial process of the chain's left-hand side (lhs). Asking for the output or error stream of a pipeline is the same as asking for the output or error stream of its terminal process. As mentioned, the terminal process can be conditionally evaluated, so these streams may not be available until the chain has completed execution.
For more information, see the method comments from the following methods in <OsPipelineChain>: #closeStreams, #errorStream, #inputStream, #outputStream
Lifecycle Status and Notification
A pipeline chain is considered complete when its terminal has been set and is complete.
A pipeline chain has an exitCode that is determined by the exitCode of the terminal process.
VAST can sign up to be notified when a pipeline chain exits using VAST's futures framework.
For more information, see the method comments from the following methods in <OsPipelineChain>: #exitCode, #isComplete, #onCompletion, #waitForCompletion, #waitForCompletion:
Command and Control
A pipeline chain can be terminated by sending either terminate (for graceful termination) or kill (for hard termination).
The pipeline chain will forward this request to the lhs and rhs. Once they have successfully terminated, then the pipeline chain will answer that isComplete.
For more information, see the method comments from the following methods in <OsPipelineChain>: #kill, #terminate
Class Methods
  Answer a new initialized instance

Instance Methods
  Close all stdio streams from all processes in the pipeline chain.
     Ignore any exceptions

  Answer the resolved and quoted command line that
     will passed on to the native process start logic.

     By default, this is expressed in the current code page

     A primitive failure will occur if the name is not
     a byte object
     A primitive failure will occur if the args is not
     nil or an Array

  A pipeline chain error stream is a null stream.
     The inputStream is the inputStream of the lhs
     The outputStream is the outputStream of the terminal
     And errorStream would need to represent the errorStreams of
     1 or more of the processes
     Instead, the OsPipelineChainStarter can be configured to append all
     error out to a file (redirectErrorToFile:), or error can be merged with
     the output (#redirectErrorToOutput).

  Answer an integer representing the exitCode of the last
     process in the pipeline chain.  Depending on the chain operator,
     the last process may not be statically known.
     If the last process has not completed (or is not known), then answer nil. 
     Note: This is operating system dependent.

  Answer the initial process in the pipeline
     or nil if not currently known

  Answer the stdin stream of the pipeline chain (which is the stdin stream
     of the lhs of the chain).

  Answer true if the terminal (if one is set yet) has completed, false otherwise.
     A pipeline chain is complete when its terminal is complete.

  Kill the pipeline chain immediatley, bypassing any graceful shutdown
     that may be offerred by the OS.

     This semantics of 'kill' vs 'terminate' are OS dependent.
         Windows - terminate and kill are equivalent
         Unix - SIGKILL is used here.  (SIGTERM for terminate)

     @see OsPipelineChain>>terminate: for further details

        <Boolean> true if lhs and rhs were terminated successfully, false otherwise
  Answer the left-hand side relative to the operator

        <OsVastSubprocess | OsPipeline | OsPipelineChain>
  Answer a future that represents the
     eventual completion of this pipeline chain, as
     well as retrieving the result.
     A pipeline chain is considered complete when
     its terminal is complete

  Answer the chaining operator to apply to the
     left and right-hand side.

        Execute the rhs only if the lhs exits successfully.
        @see shouldEvalRhsBlock for definition of success

        Execute the rhs only if the lhs exits unsuccessfully.
        @see shouldEvalRhsBlock for definition of success

        Execute the lhs.  Once the lhs completes, then
        execute the rhs

        <Symbol> one of the symbols above
  Answer the stdout stream of the pipeline chain (which is the stdout stream
     of the terminal in the pipeline chain).

        <OsProcessStream>stream of the terminal process
        <UndefinedObject> if the terminal process in not known yet
  Answer a keyed collection describing all the process ids
     in the pipeline chain, with their associated processes

  Answer the right-hand side relative to the operator

        <OsVastSubprocess | OsPipeline | OsPipelineChain>
  Answer the final process in the pipeline child
     or nil if it is not currently known (due to the conditional operator)

        <OsVastSubprocess | OsPipeline | OsPipelineChain>
        <UndefinedObject> if not available yet
  Terminate the pipeline chain, gracefully if the OS supports it.
     @see OsPipeline>>terminate: for further details

     This semantics of 'kill' vs 'terminate' are OS dependent.
         Windows - terminate and kill are equivalent
         Unix - SIGTERM is used here.  (SIGKILL for kill)
        <Boolean> true if lhs and rhs were terminated successfully, false otherwise
  Answer a keyed collection describing all the process ids
     in the pipeline chain, with their associated processes

  Answer the resolved and quoted command line that
     will passed on to the native process start logic.

     This is expressed in UTF-8, which is the native internal
     representation that is used for the subprocess module.

     A primitive failure will occur if the name is not
     a byte object
     A primitive failure will occur if the args is not
     nil or an Array

  Wait until the pipeline chain is complete.
     The calling smalltalk process will block until the pipeline chain completes

        <Integer> - exit code of the terminal in the pipeline
  Wait until the terminal in the pipeline completes and answer the exit code of the terminal process.
     The calling smalltalk process will block until the chain completes or the
     wait duration (@aDurationOrMs) elapses.
     Answers the <Integer> exit code if the pipeline chain completes before the elapsed time.
     Otherwise, answer nil if the duration time elapses

        aDurationOrMs - <Duration>duration object
                                    <Integer> duration in milliseconds
        <Integer> - exit code of the terminal process in the pipeline
        <UndefinedObject> - nil if the duration elapsed before the pipeline exited
Last modified date: 07/07/2022