Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 8.0.2 : Changes to ScaledDecimal>>#printOn: and #printString
Changes to ScaledDecimal>>#printOn: and #printString
Reason for change
ScaledDecimal>>#printOn: produced output that included the scale value (i.e., 23.1s3 printOn: aStream produced ’23.1s3’). Since the #printString method uses #printOn: to provide its output, 23.1s3 printString also produced ’23.1s3’. This made #printString unusable for producing customer readable values.
ScaledDecimal>>#printOn: was changed so that it no longer produces the scale value in its output (i.e., 23.1s3 printOn: aStream and 23.1s3 printString now both produce ’23.1’.
Action required
If you have a dependency on the previous output format for ScaledDecimal>>#printOn: (or #printString), you will need to change your code to use #printOn: <aStream> showDigits: nil pad: false instead.
Last modified date: 07/02/2019