Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 7.5 : Consolidate EtToolsVendorExtensionsApp and VisualAgeVendorExtensionsApp
Consolidate EtToolsVendorExtensionsApp and VisualAgeVendorExtensionsApp
The vendor extension applications were provided to allow add-on tool providers to extend the Smalltalk browser menus. Historically, since they were not provided with the Smalltalk product itself, the vendor extension applications were included with each add-on tool. This caused a problem since there were multiple incompatible versions of the vendor extension applications available and included.
Beginning with VA Smalltalk V7.5.1, the newest version of the EtToolsVendorExtensionsApp has been included in the ENVY/Image Development map and the newest version of the VisualAgeVendorExtensionsApp has been included in the VisualAge Development Environment map. Add-on tool providers should remove these applications from their distribution packages to ensure the vendor extensions are not back-leveled.
Last modified date: 07/02/2019