Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 9.2.2 : Default OpenSSL PlatformLibrary Name Mapping Update
Default OpenSSL PlatformLibrary Name Mapping Update
The latest supported versions of OpenSSL on Windows use a different naming convention than older versions.
Reason for change
Before VAST 2021, the abt.ini file used libeay32 and ssleay32 as the shared library names for the CRYPTO_LIB and SSL_LIB name mapping entries.
Now, the abt.ini file uses libcrypto and libssl as the shared library names for the CRYPTO_LIB and SSL_LIB name mapping entries to match with the latest supported versions of OpenSSL.
Action required
You may have older versions of OpenSSL installed and in your path. On older versions of VAST, it would have looked for these old names by default. To get back these old names, you must edit the abt.ini file and restore the following name mappings back to:
Last modified date: 02/24/2021