Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 9.1 : SstSMTPCommunications changes
SstSMTPCommunications changes
SMTP Capability in VAST has been completely revised and modernized. As a result, the legacy application, SstSMTPCommunications, has been renamed to SstSMTPCommunicationsObsolete and all classes in this application have been renamed slightly to avoid name collisions with the new SstSmtpCommunications
Reason for change
The SMTP Support in VAST didn’t have basic capabilities required to login to modern SMTP servers in a secure way. Network protocols in VAST are becoming more standardized with frameworks and SMTP has been radically improved to meet the new framework standards.
Action required
The recommended action is to transition to the new SstSmtpCommunications and use the SstSmtpClient to send emails. There are plenty of example of how to use this in SstSmtpClientExample class from the SstEmailExamples application.
However, if you are unable to transition just yet, you can load the configuration map called Server Smalltalk – Mail Support Obsolete and you will get the old version of SMTP with classes slightly renamed.
Change all references in your code to the new class names.
Last modified date: 11/06/2019