Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 9.1 : SstImap4Communications changes
SstImap4Communications changes
SstImap4Communications has been completely revised to be one of the most comprehensive IMAP clients available with over 20 RFCs implemented including popular features such as SSL/TLS, Compression, IDLE (aka Server Push) and more.
Reason for change
The IMAP Support in VAST was minimal and didn’t have basic capabilities required to login to modern IMAP servers in a secure way. Network protocols in VAST are becoming more standardized with frameworks and IMAP has been radically improved to meet the new framework standards
Action required
There is not a direct mapping from the old version to the new version. However, the new SstImap4Client is very easy to use and there are examples in the SstImap4ClientExample class from the SstEmailExamples application that should easily cover any use case the old SstImap4Communications provided.
Last modified date: 11/06/2019