EmAttachments changes
The EmAttachments extension to the method String>>#asPath has changed. The method has been renamed to #asEmPath.
Reason for change
The extended method String>>#asPath was overriding the super class implementation of #asPath in EsString from CommonFileSystem which would answer a CfsPath. However, String>#asPath as exteded in EmAttachments would answer an EmPath. Therefore, if EmAttachments was loaded, then sending a string #asPath would answer an instance of EmPath but if EmAttachments was not loaded the same message send would answer an instance of CfsPath. EmPath and CfsPath do not share the exact same API.
Action required
If you had EmAttachments loaded (quite unlikely) and you were using String >> #asPath, then change that to send #asEmPath.
Last modified date: 12/14/2018