Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 8.6.1 : Multipart Forms Processing Now Removes Only the Trailing Cr/Lf Leaving Whitespace Intact At the End of the Content
Multipart Forms Processing Now Removes Only the Trailing Cr/Lf Leaving Whitespace Intact At the End of the Content
Reason for change
The Multipart Forms specifications require trailing whitespace to be retained.
HttpMultipartContentAssembler>>assemblePartsFrom: onto: was modified to retain trailing white space and remove only the trailing cr/lf, which indicates the end of the content.
Action required
If your application depended upon all trailing whitespace being removed along with the trailing cr/lf at the end of the content, you will need to take action to remove it after multipart processing is complete.
Last modified date: 04/05/2019