Migration Guide : Migrating from Version 10.0.0 : EsCodePageUtilitiesApp moved to CodePageSupport
EsCodePageUtilitiesApp moved to CodePageSupport
Code page utilities app has been moved into the Kernel as a subapplication and is now visible to the entire system.
Reason for change
Visibility of this application is required by the new UnicodeSupport subapplication in Kernel. To satisfy visibility rules, EsCodePageUtilitiesApp also had to be moved into Kernel as a subapplication.
Action required
The classes/methods inside EsCodePageUtilitiesApp were not renamed and everything should still be visible in your application. However, certain applications in your system may still have EsCodePageUtilitiesApp as a prerequisite.
Be sure to remove EsCodePageUtilitiesApp as a prerequisite from your applications and remove any references to EsCodePageUtilitiesApp that may exist in your packaging instructions.
Last modified date: 04/18/2022