How Do I ... : Web Services Tips, Hints and FAQs : How can I clean up the sockets and active HTTP servers in my image?
How can I clean up the sockets and active HTTP servers in my image?
The script below shuts down all active HTTP servers, and terminates all active sockets.
[true] ensure: ["Stop a running system and clean everything out"
SstHttpServletEngine allInstances
do: [:e | e shutDown. e clear. e become: nil].
SstHttpServer allInstances
do: [:e | e shutDown. e clear. e become: nil].
Processor allProcesses
do: [:s | (s == UIProcess currentUI) ifFalse: [s basicTerminate]].
Processor reschedule.
SstApplicationContext clearAll.
SciSocketManager default closeAllSockets.]
Last modified date: 04/08/2023