Web Connection User Guide : Using Web Connection with other HTML Builders : Making Changes to the Page Layout, File Name, or Path
Making Changes to the Page Layout, File Name, or Path
If you change the layout, file name, or path of the HTML file used by the HTML file wrapper, you may need to make changes to the .ini configuration file.
The .ini configuration file is a series of keywords and values that are processed when you start your image. The installation process should have created a working configuration file for you. The default configuration file is abt.ini. The abt.ini file is in the main VA Smalltalk directory on your workstation.
When you generate the HTML file wrapper, methods containing default information are generated. You can override the default values by editing the .ini file.
To edit the .ini file, open it in a text editor. The HTML file wrapper keywords and values are located under the heading [Html File Wrappers]. For example:
Html File Wrappers]
HelloFileWrapperParms=HeloText, varText
The following sections describe the .ini file keywords and values for the HTML file wrapper.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015