Building reusable composites
The Composite part enables you to build reusable pieces of a Web page made up of multiple Web Connection parts. Once you have built a composite, you can reuse it repeatedly on different pages, or even multiple times on the same page. A typical use for a composite would be to build a standard header or footer that you want to use on every page in order to provide a common appearance, or a common set of navigational links.
Building a composite is essentially the same as building a page. To create a new composite, follow these steps:
1. Create a new Web Connection part to contain the composite and open it for editing.
2. In the Composition Editor, delete the default Page from the part.
3. Select Composite from the Web Connection category. Add the Composite to the free-form surface.
4. Use the Web Connection visual parts to build the composite just as you would build a page. You can use any of the Web Connection visual parts within a composite.
5. Save the part.
In order to use a composite in a page, select Add Part from the Options menu and specify the name of the part containing the composite. You can then place the composite on a Page just as you would any other Web Connection visual part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015