Web Services Guide : Getting Started: Web services in an Hour
Getting Started: Web services in an Hour
Welcome to VAST Web services. If you are unfamiliar with Web services we strongly recommend you read the high level overview of Web services and the associated links before you begin. You should also ensure that your system meets the prerequisites for this product.
There are three main topics that will be addressed in this guide:
Invoking a Web service using VA Smalltalk locally with some sample code indicating how to remotely invoke a web service.
The WebServicesIn10MinutesExample provides a user interface which steps through creation, deployment and invocation of a simple insurance policy Web service. This section gets under the hood of the example to see the Smalltalk code which accomplishes each step.
To run the example or any of the Smalltalk expressions in this section, you must first perform some changes to your environment described in Getting Started: Web services in 10 Minutes and install the Web services Feature.
Last modified date: 02/12/2021