Dynamically adding notebooks and pages
The following examples shows how to dynamically add a notebook to a window and then add pages with scroll bars to it. Notice the use of the subpartNamed:put: message. This message is sent to the parent part. Its first parameter is a string that names the new part and its second parameter is the part to be added to the parent part.
The following example builds a PM Notebook, which is portable. To use the code in this example, add EwConstants as a pool dictionary to a class definition and add the code to a script in the same class. Or, to evaluate the code in a Workspace, change XmMAJOR to EwConstants::XmMAJOR before evaluating the code.
"The example creates a notebook in a window part. It has two pages,
each of which has a scrolled area for adding widgets."
| pageView noteBookView aShell scroll attachAll |
"Create the window"
aShell := AbtShellView new
title: 'A notebook in a window';
initWidgetSize: 300 @ 300.
"Define an attachment that maximizes the size of a child"
attachAll := AbtViewAttachmentConstraint new.
leftEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
rightEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
topEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
bottomEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm).
"Add the notebook to the window"
noteBookView := AbtPortablePMNotebookView new
foregroundColor: 'blue';
framingSpec: attachAll.
aShell subpartNamed: 'Notebook' put: noteBookView.
"Add two pages to the notebook, each with a scrolled window"
1 to: 2 do: [:i |
"Add a page to the notebook"
pageView := AbtPortableNotebookPageView new
tabLabel: i printString;
pageLabel: ('Page ', i printString);
tabType: XmMAJOR. "Or, EwConstants::XmMAJOR"
noteBookView subpartNamed: (i printString, '_page') put: pageView.
"Add a scrolled window to the page"
scroll := AbtScrolledWindowView new
borderWidth: 1;
scrollBarDisplayPolicy: XmASNEEDED;
scrollingPolicy: XmAUTOMATIC;
visualPolicy: XmCONSTANT;
framingSpec: attachAll.
pageView subpartNamed: (i printString, '_ScrollWindow') put: scroll.
aShell openWidget. "Open the window"
The following example builds a Windows Notebook, which is portable. To use the code, add EwConstants as a pool dictionary to a class definition and add the code to a script in the same class. Or, to evaluate the code in a Workspace, change XmMAJOR to EwConstants::XmMAJOR before evaluating the code.
"The example creates a notebook in a window part. It has two pages,
each of which has a scrolled area for adding widgets."
| pageView noteBookView aShell scroll attachAll |
"Create the window"
aShell := AbtShellView new
title: 'A notebook in a window';
initWidgetSize: 300 @ 300.
"Define an attachment that maximizes the size of a child"
attachAll := AbtViewAttachmentConstraint new.
leftEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
rightEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
topEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm);
bottomEdge: (AbtEdgeAttachmentConstraint new attachForm).
"Add the notebook to the window"
noteBookView := AbtPortableWINNotebookView new
foregroundColor: 'blue';
framingSpec: attachAll.
aShell subpartNamed: 'Notebook' put: noteBookView.
"Add two pages to the notebook, each with a scrolled window"
1 to: 2 do: [ :i |
"Add a page to the notebook"
pageView := AbtPortableNotebookPageView new
tabLabel: i printString;
pageLabel: ('Page ', i printString);
tabType: XmMAJOR. "Or, EwConstants::XmMAJOR"
noteBookView subpartNamed: (i printString, '_page') put: pageView.
"Add a scrolled window to the page"
scroll := AbtScrolledWindowView new
borderWidth: 1;
scrollBarDisplayPolicy: XmASNEEDED;
scrollingPolicy: XmAUTOMATIC;
visualPolicy: XmCONSTANT;
framingSpec: attachAll.
pageView subpartNamed: (i printString, '_ScrollWindow') put: scroll.
aShell openWidget. "Open the window"
Last modified date: 07/13/2020