Developing your first Bidi-enabled application
The following steps will guide you through a simple scenario to develop a skeleton Bidi-enabled application consisting of one Bidi panel containing two text fields with different Bidi attributes:
1. Go to the Composition Editor, and drop a Window on the free form surface.
2. Double-click on the Window to display its Properties window.
3. Click on the ... button adjacent to the bidiSpec entry to edit the default bidiSpec values.
4. Change the widgetOrientation value to RightToLeft.
5. Save the new bidiSpec, and exit the Properties window.
6. Drop two radio button sets on the window.
7. View the bidiSpec of the first radio button set. You will notice that its widgetOrientation is RightToLeft, inherited from the parent Window. Thus, text appears to the left of the radio buttons. Make sure not to save the bidiSpec entry while exiting the Properties window to maintain the inheritance link.
8. Edit the bidiSpec of the second radio button set, and change its widgetOrientation to be LeftToRight. The text now appears to the right of the radio buttons.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015