Managing your image size
In your development system, keeping your abt.icx file small improves the performance of VA Smalltalk. Check the size of the abt.icx file in the directory where VA Smalltalk is installed. If the file is larger than 14-15 megabytes, you should try to reduce its size. Large images require more of your operating system's memory.
To reduce the image size, you can unload or delete applications you no longer need, or remove some of the optional features of VA Smalltalk.
If you ever have problems closing the Composition Editor, VA Smalltalk might be holding onto objects rather than freeing them. A large image is a sign that this kind of error has occurred. To correct it and reduce the image size, follow these steps:
1. Close all of your Composition Editor windows.
2. Evaluate this code in the System Transcript:
System abtScrubImage
Be certain you close the Composition Editor windows first!
Last modified date: 01/29/2015