Preparing a resource DLL for Windows
For Windows:
This section applies only to VA Smalltalk for Windows.
To prepare icons for use with VA Smalltalk for Windows, do the following:
1. Create a C source file as follows:
/* empty.c */
#include <windows.h>
static char appName ] = "userpal";
int FAR PASCAL LibMain (HANDLE hInstance,
WORD wDataSeg,
WORD wHeapSize,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine)
if (wHeapSize > 0)
UnlockData (0) ;
return 1 ;
2. Compile the empty source file to create an object file. If you are using the Microsoft C compiler, the following command will work:
cl -c -AMw -Gsw -Ow -W2 -Zp empty.c
3. Create a module definition file for the linker. The following example is named userpal.def:
LIBRARY userpal
DESCRIPTION 'Icons for user-extended palette'
4. Link the object file, using your module definition file, to create an empty DLL. Here is a command that links the files above, to create userpal.dll:
link empty libentry,userpal.dll/align:16,NUL,/nod \
mdllcew libw, userpal
5. Create a resource script file. This file identifies the icons to be included in the DLL, and assigns an identifier to each icon. Here are the contents of an example resource file, named userpal.rc. Notice that the identifier and resource type are reversed from the OS/2 version of your resource script file.
100 ICON athltcat.ico
101 ICON runner.ico
102 ICON world.ico
6. Compile your resource script file and merge the compiled resources into your DLL with the following command:
RC userpal.rc userpal.dll
Your icons are now ready for use with VA Smalltalk.
The procedure for building a resource DLL using bitmaps is the same, except that you use lines in the .rc file that look like this:
801 BITMAP runner.bmp
You can include icons and bitmaps in the same DLL.
Last modified date: 05/14/2020