Translating the strings
Once the strings for messages, part names and labels, and pool dictionaries are in a .tra file, edit the file using your favorite text editor.
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It's a good idea to make a backup copy of the .tra file before you change it. Name the file, for example, english.tra or applne10.tra so you can tell which language the file is for.
An editor open on, for example, the strings for SampleDatabaseApplication shows, in part, the following:
#define MsgNoName "Name is too long. Make it less than 40 characters."
#define MsgZipCodeNotValid "Zip Code is not valid or does not exist."
#define MySelect "You selected %1. Continue?"

#define $$BEGIN_GUI "AddressView"
#define AddressView.Window.title_1 "Enter an Address"
#define AddressView.Label1.object_2 "Name:"
#define AddressView.Label2.object_3 "Address:"
#define AddressView.Label3.object_4 "City:"
#define AddressView.Label4.object_5 "State:"
#define AddressView.Label5.object_6 "Zip Code:"
#define AddressView.OK.object_7 "OK"
#define AddressView.Cancel.object_8 "Cancel"
#define AddressView.MessagePrompter1.messageString_9 "Do you
really want to cancel?"
#define AddressView.MessagePrompter1.title_10 "Confirm Cancel"
#define $$END_GUI "AddressView"
The statements #define $$BEGIN_ and #define $$END_ identify the start and end of strings for the message, part, or dictionary named in double quotation marks (" ").
To translate strings for your application, replace the strings in the quotation marks listed between the statements #define $$BEGIN_ and #define $$END_. Change only the text inside the quotation marks; do not change anything else in the file. Thus, to translate Cancel into German, change the line #define AddressView.Cancel.object_8  "Cancel" to #define AddressView.Cancel.object_8  "Abbrechen".
Last modified date: 05/14/2020