Adding messages to a pool dictionary
To add messages to a pool dictionary, you use the scripts provided in the NLS Workspace - Pool Dictionaries window. To open the window, select NLS > Maintenance > Workspace: Pool Dictionaries from the Tools menu of the Transcript.
Adding entries is a lot like adding entries to a Dictionary using the add: message. To add an entry to AddressApplication, you evalutate code such as the following:
AddressApplication abtNlmAdd: (Association key: 'MsgNoName'
value: 'Name is too long. Make it less than 40 characters.')
poolName: 'AddressStrings'.
Adding multiple entries is a lot like adding entries to a dictionary using the addAll: message. This is useful if you already have the strings in another dictionary in memory and you want to externalize the strings in your application.
AddressApplication abtNlmAddAll: anotherDictionary asso
poolName: 'AddressStrings'.
abtNlmAddAll:poolName: accepts either a dictionary or a collection of associations for the first parameter.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015