Reusable icons
If your application uses any of the reusable icons in abtico50.dll, you must also distribute that DLL. (For UNIX systems, distribute abticons and any icons named in it used by your packaged image.)
The lists above help you distribute only the files you need. You can distribute all of the necessary files in one directory or you can organize the files into subdirectories as appropriate for your runtime image.
For Windows:
In Windows, the PATH environment variables of the autoexec.bat file should refer to the directory or subdirectories where the distributed files reside.
For Linux (UNIX):
In UNIX, the LIBPATH and possibly ABTHELPPATH environment variables of the abt file and, depending on the UNIX shell used, the .login or .profile files should refer to the directory or appropriate subdirectories where the distributed files reside.
Last modified date: 05/14/2020