Using the interactive debugger Transcript
When the interactive debugger starts Smalltalk, an XD Transcript window is opened. The XD Transcript allows immediate evaluation of Smalltalk code within the context of the image running on the target system. You can also open XD Inspectors or XD Workspaces to evaluate Smalltalk code within the context of the image.
Once the interactive debugger is closed, the XD Transcript window remains open, and the server application can be re-invoked by executing the application launch code from the XD Transcript window. You can experiment with code changes from the workstation and retry changes immediately on the target system.
The interactive debugger redirects output intended for the Transcript to the XD Transcript. Transcript output that would appear in the target system is directed to the workstation. To access the Transcript on the target system, use TranscriptTTY. For example, to print the string Hello there to the job listing in IMS batch, enter:
TranscriptTTY default cr; show: 'Hello there'
Last modified date: 05/10/2019