Using the stack trace
The stack trace is a printed representation of the Smalltalk process stack at the point where an error occurred. The stack trace is the most basic type of debug support available. When your server application is running on CICS Transaction Server, the stack trace output appears in the CICS transient data queue named CESE. When your server application is running from CICS on the workstation, the stack trace output appears in a file named abtcics.log. When your application is running on the workstation, the stack trace output appears in a file you specify:
esvio -imyimage -lstack.trc
For Linux (UNIX):
On UNIX, instead of -lstack.trc, use >stack.trc to redirect the stack trace output to a file.
Below is a sample of a stack trace. Notice the extensive header.
Walkback at 3:32:08 PM on 11/7/2019
A halt has occurred.
UIProcess:(11/7/2019 3:31:57 PM){running,3} SC: 386
VA Smalltalk V9.2 (64-bit); Image: 9.2 [444]
VM Timestamp: 4.0, 11/04/19 (101)
(C) Copyright Instantiations 1994, 2019. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1994, 2006. All rights reserved.
OS Version: 10.0 build 18362
Virtual machine: ES
Bytecode version: 4.1
''OS'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
''CLIM'' subsystem: ''ES''
''CP'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
''CLDT'' subsystem: ''ES''
''CFS'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
''SCI'' subsystem: ''WIN''
''CW'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
''CPM'' subsystem: ''ES''
''CG'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
''CPIC'' subsystem: ''WIN32s''
VM Stats:
millisecondGlobalGCTime: 0
numberOfGlobalGCs: 0
timeForLastGlobalGC: 0
millisecondScavengeTime: 93
numberOfScavenges: 170
timeForLastScavenge: 0
Smalltalk memory status:
Total allocation: 50768824
Available: 2678040
Fixed Space: 32248
New Space: 1034384
Old Space: 1641952
Command line:
UIProcess:(11/7/2019 3:31:57 PM){running,3} SC: 386
Process:Idle 3:32:05 PM{ready,1} SC: 62
Process:AbtEwHoverHelpBackgroundProcess{suspended,3} SC: 42
Process:CwAsyncIOProcess{suspended,4} SC: 427
Disc Information:
Volume Path: C:
Total Space: 64078475264
Free Space: 33899634688
Percentage free: 53 %
Envy Manager Information:
Manager version: 4.00
Connected Library:
Pathname: C:\ProgramData\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\9.2\manager\mgr92.dat
Library version: 6
Size of library: 193536720 bytes
Has consistent EOF: true
Acquire read locks: false
Single user mode: true
Server address: None
Host system name: None
Use release lock mode: false
Native primitives library:
Emsrv primitives library:
Current user: Library Supervisor
Operating System memory stats:
dwMemoryLoad: 90
dwTotalPhys: 2146287616
dwAvailPhys: 208076800
dwTotalPageFile: 5643218944
dwTotalVirtual: 140737488224256
dwAvailVirtual: 140732878004224
=============<STACK TRACE BEGINS>============
UIProcess reportError: (ExHalt) A halt has occurred.
(ExHalt) A halt has occurred.
EsBatchStartUp class(EsImageStartUp class)>>#outputWalkback:on:process:
receiver = EsBatchStartUp
arg1 = '(ExHalt) A halt has occurred.'
arg2 = a TranscriptTTY
arg3 = UIProcess:(11/7/2019 3:31:57 PM){running,3}
temp1 = 20
temp2 = EsBatchStartUp
temp3 = EsImageStartUp class>>#outputWalkback:on:process:
In most cases, you will see the stack trace only when a stack dump cannot be created. An error during the loading of ENVY Applications might fail to create a stack dump, thus providing you with only a stack trace to diagnose the error.
To produce a stack trace rather than a stack dump, go to the Startup Code page and select AbtHeadlessRuntimeStartUp as the startup class rather than AbtStackDumpStartUp. If the packaged application encounters a Smalltalk error, a stack trace will be produced to the Transcript.
Last modified date: 05/11/2020