Server Smalltalk Guide : Method invocation : Invocation handler configurations
Invocation handler configurations
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To better understand this section, examine the sample SstPingPong.
There are many different execution semantics possible with method invocation. Although the basics of the request/reply operations remain the same, most details can be modified through the SstInvocationConfiguration associated with an invocation handler. Invocation configurations allow the specification of the following options:
The name of the application context in which the handler will execute. If this option is non-nil then the space option must be nil or an error will occur.
A dispatcher configuration or applicable dispatcher class. If the configured dispatcher is a class, a new instance of that class is used as the dispatcher for the invocation handler. If it is a configuration, the configuration is instantiated to build a dispatcher with the specified behavior.
A boolean stating whether or not exceptions raised in application code are trapped and handled by the associated invocation handler or passed on for normal system handling. The invocation handler will either invoke the error handler associated with the current logical process (if logical process dispatching is being used; see Logical process invocation) or pass the exception back to the relevant request sender. Note that if exceptions are trapped, useful debugging exceptions such as ExHalt will not appear on the machine where they occur. This behavior may effectively hide them from the user but maintains normal Smalltalk exception semantics.
The class of invocation handler to be used when instantiating the configuration.
The marshaler, marshaler class or marshaler configuration to be used when an invocation handler is instantiated. If the configured marshaler is a class, a new instance of this class is used. If it is a configuration, the configuration is instantiated and the result used as the marshaler.
Holds an instance of SstWorkerManager. The marshalWorkerManager is used to manage the Smalltalk processes that marshal the incoming requests. By default, marshalWorkerManager is set up to use a SstPooledDispatcher with no hard upper limit on the number of Smalltalk processes in the pool. If you wish SST to act as it did prior to VisualAge Version 5.5.2 (i.e. receiving incoming messages on the server process), you can set the marshalWorkerManager to be nil.
The priority of the Smalltalk processes that are handling the reception of incoming messages. By default, marshalWorkerPriority is set to 4.
The class of object to use when sending a reply (for example, SstReply).
The class of reply future to use internally. The kind of future used affects whether or not processes blocked waiting for message results can be interrupted. Example values are SstInterruptableReplyFuture and SstExplicitFuture.
If the logical process model is being used, the replyFutureClass must be interruptable.
The class of object to use when sending a request (for example, SstRequest).
A description of what to do with the invocation handler and its associated components on image startup. See Invocation handler restart modes.
An object space or the class of object space to use. If the option is a class, a new instance of that class is used. If the value is nil then the local space is found in the specified context (see the context option above) is used. If this option is non-nil then the context option must be nil or an error will occur.
A boolean stating whether or not exceptions raised in SST code while processing are trapped and ignored by the invocation handler or passed on for normal system handling. This option prevents the invocation handler from dying. A warning is displayed on the transcript if an exception is trapped. Note that if exceptions are trapped, useful debugging exceptions (such as, ExHalt) will also be trapped. Also note that if exceptions are trapped, but user exceptions are not forwarded (see forwardExceptions above), then exceptions occurring in user code executed by the server process will also be ignored.
Invocation configurations support getter and setter accessors for each of these options in addition to the following API for instantiating invocation handlers:
instantiateOn: endpoint
Creates and answers a new instance of the receiver's handlerClass on the local @endpoint. The new handler is set up to behave according to the receiver's description.
Last modified date: 04/21/2020