To load a subapplication, do the following:
1. Open an Application Manager or Applications Browser.
2. From the list of applications, select the subapplication edition for which you want to load another edition.
3. From the Applications menu, select Load > Another Edition. A window is displayed, listing all editions and versions of the application.
4. Select a subapplication edition or version; then select OK. The subapplication, and all of its subapplications, are loaded into your image.
For step 3, instead of selecting Another Edition, you can select Re-Load Current or Released Edition. Selecting Re-Load Current loads the current subapplication edition again. This edition will not have unreleased changes made to the classes and subapplications of the subapplication. Selecting Released Edition replaces, in your image, the currently loaded edition with the version or edition that is currently released into the containing application.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015