To load a class edition from a library into your image, you must be the developer of the edition. To load a class version, you need not be the developer.
To load a class edition or version, do the following:
1. Open an Application Manager, Applications Browser, or Application Browser.
2. Select the class edition that is currently in your image and its containing application. You can load an edition of more than one class at one time. To select more than one, press the Ctrl key while you select the classes.
3. From the Classes menu, select Load > Another Edition. For each selected class edition, a window is displayed listing all versions of the class and those editions that you can load.
4. For each window, select a class edition and then click on OK. The class editions are loaded into your image.
For step 3, you have two alternatives to selecting Another Edition. You can select Previous Version or Released Version. These options load the previous version or the released version.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015