Filing in components
To file in components that you created in the development environment, you follow procedures appropriate for the format your source files have.
If you filed out components in the VAST chunk format, the system's default, the source file specifies the content and structure of each component. Thus, when you file in an application, all of its classes and methods are filed in along with it. Also, each method retains its public or private status.
To file in components that have the VAST chunk format, do the following:
1. Select a File In option as follows:
To file in an application from an Application Manager, select any application; then select File In from the Applications menu. To file in a class from an Application Browser, you select File In from a Classes menu. To file in a method, you select Open from the File menu of any browser.
After you select File In, a window is displayed prompting you for the path name of the file that holds your components.
Ensure that you file in any prerequisites that your components use before you file in your components. If you are filing in subapplications separate from their containing applications, ensure to file in the containing applications first.
2. Specify the path and file name of the source file; then select OK. Any applications, subapplications, or classes that you are filing in are added to your image, along with the methods they contain. The components you file in replace any edition of the components already existing in your image.
If you are filing in an individual method, open a Workspace on the source code for your method. Then, copy and paste it into the appropriate class. (See Example: Renaming a class and changing its methods.)
3. Test your components to ensure that they function properly. If they do not, unload or delete the components you filed in and then file in the components again.
Last modified date: 04/06/2020