Filing out components
Example: Examining the format of filed-out code shows you how to file out a method. You can also file out applications, subapplications, and classes.
To file out components that you created in the development environment, do the following:
1. Ensure that your system's setting files out components in a format that suits your needs. If you intend to file your components back into a VA Smalltalk system, ensure that the setting files out components in the VAST chunk format.
If you have never changed the setting, you do not need to evaluate this expression. Your system files out components in the VAST chunk format by default.
If you will use your components in another Smalltalk dialect, you should file out in the generic chunk format.
2. Open a browser that offers a File Out option for the type of component that you want to move. For example, to file out an application or class, use an Application Manager. To file out a method, use an Application Browser or Class Browser.
3. Select the component that you want to file out.
To file out an application and all of its classes and methods, just select the application. Similarly, to file out a class and all of its methods, just select the class.
However, to file out a subapplication along with its containing application, you cannot just select the application. You must select the application and the subapplication. Also, ensure that all contained components exist in your image. Though you can file out editions, if you file out versions you can be sure that all contained components make it into the target file.
4. From the menu that corresponds to your component, select File Out > One Name. That is, if you are filing out a class from an Applications Browser, you select File Out > One Name from the Classes menu. The option One Name copies all selected components to one file.
Instead of using One Name, you can use Name Each or Use Defaults. Both options put all of the containing components you selected into separate files. You should use these options when you file out prerequisites along with your applications.
After you make your selection, a window is displayed asking you to name the file that will hold the contents of your application. You can use the default name shown in the file name entry field or type in a new name. From this window, you also specify the target directory.
5. After you specify the file and path names, select OK. The source code for your components is copied to the named file.
Last modified date: 04/06/2020