Smalltalk User Guide : Making your own applications : Extending defined classes : Creating a class extension: The basic steps
Creating a class extension: The basic steps
To extend a predefined class, complete the steps for one of the following browsers:
Applications Browser or Application Browser
1. Open an Applications Browser or Application Browser.
2. Select the application to which you want to add an extended class.
3. From the Classes menu, select Add > Extension. A window opens, asking you which class you want to extend.
4. Type the class name you want to extend; then select OK.
5. Add one or more methods. Adding methods creates the extension and places the methods into the extension.
Classes Browser, Hierarchy Browser, or Class Browser
1. Open a Classes Browser, Hierarchy Browser, or Class Browser.
2. Select the class you want to extend.
3. From the Classes menu, select Add > Extension. A window opens, listing applications into which the extended class can be placed.
4. Select the containing application; then select OK.
5. Add one or more methods. Adding methods creates the extension and places the methods into the extension.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015