Reports Information : The VA Smalltalk Reports feature : Preparing to use VA Smalltalk Reports
Preparing to use VA Smalltalk Reports
Most of the instructions in this book assume that you are an experienced VA Smalltalk user and have worked through many of the examples in Getting Started and the
Visual Programming User Guide. These books provide an introduction to the concepts involved in object-oriented programming, visual programming, and using the VA Smalltalk tools. If you have not worked through these books, please do so before starting to use this manual.
Before trying out the sample applications, make sure you have installed your ODBC drivers and the VA Smalltalk Reports components, and loaded the following features into your image:
VA: Database, ODBC
VA: Database, Common Samples
VA: Reports Database Samples
VA: Reports
VA: Reports Samples
To construct the sample applications described in this book, you also need to install the sample ODBC text database, as explained in Appendix A, Installing an ODBC text database.
Last modified date: 07/25/2020