Automatic proportional resizing
A new attribute on the Container Details part, proportionalColumnResizing, enables columns to automatically resize horizontally according to their originally defined proportions. For example, if you define a two-column view with a 25-to-75 size ratio, that ratio is maintained when a user rescales the window up or down.
To see an example of how to use the proportionalColumnResizing attribute, refer to the AbtContainerColumnsProportionalResizingExampleView part.
In addition to the new attribute above, there is also a new action available for the Container Details Column part: sizeToWidestColumn. This action is available so that you can decide if you want the container details column to resize to the widest column entry. It is up to you to decide when you want the resizing to occur. For example, if a user enters a text item which is longer than any of the previous text entries for a given column, you may want the resizing to occur after the user tabs to the next field, or if the user manually resizes the entire window. It is your choice as to when you want to trigger this action.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015