Text Prompter events
An event of answerString indicates a change in the string that the user last entered into the text field. The value changes when the user presses the ENTER key or selects OK in the prompter.
The cancel event signals that the user pressed the cancel button.
A defaultAnswerString event indicates a change in the string of characters displayed in the text field each time the prompter is displayed.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
A messageString event indicates a change in the string of characters displayed as the text of your message.
The ok event signals that the OK button was pressed.
A prompterStyle event indicates a change in the type of dialog displayed in the prompter. Valid values include:
The user must respond to the prompter before interacting with the parent window. The user can still interact with other windows.
The user must respond to the prompter before interacting with any window in the application. The user can still interact with other windows.
The user cannot interact with the windows of any application until responding to the prompter.
A self event indicates that the value of the target part itself has changed.
A title event signals that the label displayed for the part has changed.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015