Visual Parts Reference : Parts Reference : Stored Procedure : Stored Procedure attributes
Stored Procedure attributes
accessSetName (String)
The accessSetName attribute represents the name of a class in your application which is used to store the application specifications for your query, stored procedure, and connection specifications.
connectionAlias (String)
The connectionAlias attribute specifies the connection specification, which contains the database manager and data source name for the query.
databaseManagerClass (String)
The databaseManagerClass attribute represents the name of the class for the database manager.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
databaseManagerName (String)
The databaseManagerName attribute represents the name of the database manager.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
databaseName (String)
The databaseName attribute represents the name of the database.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
description (String)
The description attribute represents the description of the stored procedure.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
errorBlock (BlockContextTemplate)
The errorBlock attribute represents the block of code that is run when an error occurs in the data access code.
lastError (<className>)
The lastError attribute is the last error that occurred. You can tear off the lastError attribute to access the error information.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
specName (String)
The specName attribute represents the name of the specification.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015