Single-Row Query Attributes
accessSetName (String)
The accessSetName attribute represents the name of a class in your application which is used to store the application specifications for your query, stored procedure, and connection specifications.
connectionAlias (String)
The connectionAlias attribute specifies the connection specification, which contains the database manager and data source name for the query.
databaseManagerClass (String)
The databaseManagerClass attribute represents the name of the class for the database manager.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
databaseManagerName (String)
The databaseManagerName attribute represents the name of the database manager.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
databaseName (String)
The databaseName attribute represents the name of the database.
Use the connectionAlias attribute instead of this one to determine the database connection specifications. This attribute is maintained for backward compatibility.
errorBlock (BlockContextTemplate)
The errorBlock attribute represents the block of code that is run when an error occurs in the data access code.
The executed attribute indicates whether the query has been executed or not.
lastError (<className>)
The lastError attribute is the last error that occurred. You can tear off the lastError attribute to access the error information.
lobDefinitionSpec (Collection)
The lobDefinitionSpec attribute contains a collection of definitions for each result column that has a LOB (large object) data type (BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB).
The name of the database package specification that the query (and any necessary generated queries) will be stored in. A package specification is used to make SQL statements run as static SQL rather than dynamic. To ensure that all necessary SQL statements are generated and included in the package specification, you should set the value of packageSpecName only via the Single-Row Query Settings window.
This capability is available only on IBM DB2.
querySpecName (String)
The querySpecName attribute represents the name of the query specification.
The resultRow attribute represents the actual resultRow part retrieved from the database by executing the database query.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015