Popup Menu attributes
backgroundColor (String)
The backgroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
borderWidth (Integer)
The borderWidth attribute is the width of the border, specified in pixels, that surrounds the part on all four sides. A width of zero means that a border does not show.
On some platforms, the border width is limited to 1 pixel and any nonzero value is set to 1.
dragDropSpec (AbtDragDropSpec)
For more information on the dragDropSpec attribute, refer to Using the dragDropSpec attribute.
enabled (Boolean)
The enabled attribute specifies whether or not the part is available for selection. If true, the part's contents are available for selection.
foregroundColor (String)
The foregroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
framingSpec (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint)
The framingSpec attribute represents the values specified for the edge specifications of the part. The edge specifications determine the width, height, and position of the part.
helpFile (String)
The helpFile attribute is the name of the help file associated with the part.
helpKeysId (String)
The helpKeysId attribute is the ID of the keys help associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
helpTitle (String)
The helpTitle attribute is the title of the help window associated with the part.
helpTopicId (String)
The helpTopicId attribute is the ID of the help topic associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
hoverHelpEnabled (Boolean)
The hoverHelpEnabled attribute indicates whether you want hover help to be provided for this part and all of its children. The default is false.
marginHeight (Integer)
The marginHeight attribute is the amount of vertical space between the part and its children.
marginWidth (Integer)
The marginWidth attribute is the amount of horizontal space between the part and its children that are not attached.
menu (AbtCwMenuView)
The menu attribute is the menu part to use as the part's menu bar or pop-up menu.
numColumns (Integer)
The numColumns attribute is the number of columns into which the items are placed.
orientation (Integer)
The orientation attribute specifies whether the layout of the menu items is vertical (XmVERTICAL)or horizontal (XmHORIZONTAL). If this attribute is set to XmVERTICAL, the menu items are laid out in columns, top to bottom. If the orientation is XmHORIZONTAL, the menu items are laid out in rows. The default is XmVERTICAL.
resizeHeight (Boolean)
The resizeHeight attribute specifies whether the height can be sized or not.
resizeWidth (Boolean)
The resizeWidth attribute specifies whether the width can be sized or not.
rowColumnType (Integer)
The rowColumnType attribute specifies the column type for menu. For a Menu Bar part, the value is XmMENUBAR; for a Popup Menu part, the value is XmMENUPOPUP.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
spacing (Integer)
The spacing attribute is the distance between the elements of the part.
tabGroup (Boolean)
The tabGroup attribute specifies whether or not the part is included as a tab stop so users can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
traversalOn (Boolean)
The traversalOn attribute specifies whether users can access the part using the cursor movement keys. If the part is specified as a tab stop by using the tabGroup attribute, users also can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015