Visual Parts Reference : Parts Reference : Packeting Container Details : Packeting Container Details attributes
Packeting Container Details attributes
attributeName (Symbol)
The attributeName attribute represents the name of the attribute within the collection of items to be displayed in the part.
autoTab (Boolean)
The autoTab attribute specifies whether tabbing should occur automatically when the maximum text length (as set by the textLimit attribute) is reached.
backgroundColor (String)
The backgroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
borderWidth (Integer)
The borderWidth attribute is the width of the border, specified in pixels, that surrounds the part on all four sides. A width of zero means that a border does not show.
On some platforms, the border width is limited to 1 pixel and any nonzero value is set to 1.
cellTabbingPolicy (Integer)
The cellTabbingPolicy attribute specifies how tabbing within cells should behave. This attribute is used only when the selectionPolicy attribute is set to XmCELLSINGLESELECT. Valid values are:
When the last cell in a row is reached while tabbing forward, go to the first cell in the next row. When the first cell in a row is reached while tabbing backward, go to the last cell in the previous row.
When the last cell in a row is reached while tabbing forward, go to the first cell in the same row. When the first cell in a row is reached when tabbing backward, go to the last cell in the same row.
Tabbing behavior is defined by the application. To use this option, the application must hook applicationDefinedTabbingRequested.
columns (OrderedCollection)
The columns attribute specifies the columns to be used to display information about each item in the part. The columns are specified as an ordered collection of Container Details Column parts.
columnSelectionIndex (Integer)
The columnSelectionIndex attribute is the index of the selected column.
columnSelectionIsValid (Boolean)
The columnSelectionIsValid attribute indicates whether or not the column selection is valid. The column selection is not valid if there are no selected columns, or if a selected column is set but is not included in the collection of columns.
dragDropSpec (AbtDragDropSpec)
For more information on the dragDropSpec attribute, refer to Using the dragDropSpec attribute.
editable (Boolean)
The editable attribute specifies whether the text in the part can be edited.
For the Container Details parts, this attribute along with the columns attribute determine whether the column cells are editable. However, the various edit events (such as editCellAt: or editSelectedCell) will edit the column, regardless of the values of these attributes.
enabled (Boolean)
The enabled attribute specifies whether or not the part is available for selection. If true, the part's contents are available for selection.
fontName (String)
The fontName attribute is the name of the font to use for the text displayed in the part.
foregroundColor (String)
The foregroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
framingSpec (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint)
The framingSpec attribute represents the values specified for the edge specifications of the part. The edge specifications determine the width, height, and position of the part.
headingBackgroundColor (String)
The headingBackgroundColor attribute specifies the background color for the heading of the container.
headingFontName (Integer)
The headingFontName attribute specifies the name of the font you want to use for the heading of the part.
headingSeparatorThickness (Integer)
The headingSeparatorThickness attribute specifies the width of the horizontal line separating the column headings from the rest of the container. The default value is 1.
headingVisualStyle (Integer)
The headingVisualStyle attribute specifies how the cells of the part are displayed. Possible values include the following:
Displays the cells like a list box.
Displays each row as etched. This is the default value.
Displays each cell in an etched column as individually etched.
helpFile (String)
The helpFile attribute is the name of the help file associated with the part.
helpKeysId (String)
The helpKeysId attribute is the ID of the keys help associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
helpTitle (String)
The helpTitle attribute is the title of the help window associated with the part.
helpTopicId (String)
The helpTopicId attribute is the ID of the help topic associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
itemHeight (Integer)
The itemHeight attribute specifies the height to use for each icon and label in the part.
itemMenu (AbtCwMenuView)
The itemMenu attribute is the menu part to use an item's pop-up menu. This menu is displayed when the mouse button 2 is clicked on an item in the part.
items (OrderedCollection)
The items attribute represents the collection of items to display in the part. Items can be a collection of objects or strings.
If the value of the items attribute is a collection of objects, use the attributeName attribute to specify the name of the attribute in the object that is to be displayed.
lockedColumns (Integer)
The lockedColumns attribute specifies the number of columns from the left edge of the container that remain fixed and cannot be scrolled horizontally.
mappedWhenManaged (Boolean)
The mappedWhenManaged attribute specifies whether the part should be shown. If the part is currently shown, setting this attribute to false will hide the part. If the part is currently hidden, setting this attribute to true will show the part, if the parent part is shown.
menu (AbtCwMenuView)
The menu attribute is the menu part to use as the part's menu bar or pop-up menu.
proportionalColumnResizing (Boolean)
The proportionalColumnResizing attribute specifies whether the columns in the container automatically resize horizontally in order to maintain their originally defined proportions.
refreshEntireListOnChange (Boolean)
The refreshEntireListOnChange attribute specifies whether or not the list of items is updated when a change is made to one of the items.
refreshItemOnAttributeChange (Boolean)
The refreshItemOnAttributeChange attribute specifies whether to update the container if an attribute of an item in the model changes.
resizableColumns (Boolean)
The resizableColumns attribute specifies whether the columns can be resized at run time.
rowSeparators (Boolean)
The rowSeparators attribute specifies whether you want separators between the rows of the container.
scrollableDown (Boolean)
The scrollableDown attribute specifies whether or not the container can currently be scrolled downward. The scrollableDown attribute returns false when the container is scrolled all the way to the bottom.
scrollableLeft (Boolean)
The scrollableLeft attribute specifies whether or not the container can currently be scrolled to the left. The scrollableLeft attribute returns false when the container is scrolled all the way to the left.
scrollableRight (Boolean)
The scrollableRight attribute specifies whether or not the container can currently be scrolled to the right. The scrollableRight attribute returns false when the container is scrolled all the way to the right.
scrollableUp (Boolean)
The scrollableUp attribute specifies whether or not the container can currently be scrolled upward. The scrollableUp attribute returns false when the container is scrolled all the way to the top.
scrollBarDisplayPolicy (Integer)
The scrollBarDisplayPolicy attribute controls the automatic placement of the scroll bars. Valid values are:
Scroll bars will be displayed only if the list items exceed the container work region either horizontally or vertically.
Scroll bars will be displayed regardless of the relationship between the size of the list items and the size of the container.
scrollingWithHiddenScrollBars (Boolean)
The scrollingWithHiddenScrollBars attribute specifies whether or not the scroll bars should be hidden. If true, the scroll bars are hidden, but scrolling can still be performed.
selectableColumns (Boolean)
The selectableColumns attribute specifies whether the columns in the container can be selected.
selectedColumns (SequenceableCollection)
The selectedColumns attribute specifies the columns that have been selected.
selectedItem (Object)
The selectedItem attribute specifies the item that is currently selected in the part.
selectedItems (OrderedCollection)
The selectedItems attribute specifies the items currently selected in the part.
selectionIndex (Integer)
The selectionIndex attribute specifies the index of the item currently selected in the part.
selectionIndices (OrderedCollection)
The selectionIndices attribute specifies the indices of the items selected in the part.
selectionIsValid (Boolean)
The selectionIsValid attribute indicates that the selection is valid. The selection is not valid if there are no selected items or a selected item is set but is not included in the collection of items.
selectionPolicy (Integer)
The selectionPolicy attribute specifies the selection policy in the container. The possible values, which depend upon the part, are as follows:
Only one item can be selected at a time
Enables multiple selection
Enables extended selection
Enables drag and browse functionality This is the default value.
Enables navigation, but no selection or callbacks
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
separatorsToExtremes (Boolean)
The separatorsToExtremes attribute determines whether the column and row separators extend to the edge of the container or just to the end of the last item.
showColumnHeadings (Boolean)
The showColumnHeadings attribute specifies whether the column headings should be visible.
showHorizontalScrollBar (Boolean)
The showHorizontalScrollBar attribute specifies whether or not to display a horizontal scroll bar so the user can scroll horizontally through the text. If true, a horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
The statusLabelBackgroundColor attribute specifies the name of the RGB color for the background label in the status line.
The statusLabelFontName attribute specifies the name of the font to use for the label in the status line.
The statusLabelForegroundColor attribute specifies the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the label in the status line.
The statusLabelString attribute specifies the text of the label in the status line.
tabGroup (Boolean)
The tabGroup attribute specifies whether or not the part is included as a tab stop so users can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
traversalOn (Boolean)
The traversalOn attribute specifies whether users can access the part using the cursor movement keys. If the part is specified as a tab stop by using the tabGroup attribute, users also can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
visualStyle (Integer)
The visualStyle attribute defines how the cells are displayed. Possible values are:
Looks like a list box
Has each row etched
Has each cell in an etched column individually etched.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015