Notebook Initial Page events
The aboutToCloseWidget event signals that the part is about to be closed.
If you need to perform any actions just before the window closes, connect the aboutToCloseWidget event of the Window part to an action in your part.
The aboutToOpenWidget event signals that the part is about to be opened. This event is signaled just before the part is displayed on the screen.
If you need to perform any actions just before the window opens, connect the aboutToOpenWidget event of the Window part to an action in your part.
The closedWidget event signals that the part has been closed.
The configuredWidget event signals that the part has been moved or resized.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
The helpRequested event signals that help has been requested. You can connect the helpRequested event to an action that displays your own help, such as a message box. If the action you connect this event to does not return nil, default help processing occurs, using the specified help file and help topic.
The hoverHelpRemoved event indicates that hover help has been removed from the part or one of its children. You can use this event to signal when to remove hover help information in an information area.This event is only signaled if the part has hoverHelpEnabled set to true.
When the event is signaled, the UI process may be blocked. Therefore, do not send any messages that get processed by the UI process, such as Transcript show.
This event passes a parameter, whose class is AbtEwIconHoverHelpCallbackData. The parameter has the following attributes for specifying settings for the hover help:
hoverArea (AbtBasicView)
Specifies the hover area that contains the item under the mouse pointer
isHoverHelpShown (Boolean)
Specifies whether or not the hover help is shown
item (AbtBasicView)
Specifies the item under the mouse pointer
labelString (String)
Specifies the hover help string to display, if any. If the item under the pointer is a graphic push button, the default hover help string is the item's labelString attribute. Otherwise, the default value is nil. A value of nil causes no hover help to be displayed.
pointerLocation (Point)
Specifies the location of the mouse pointer relative to the screen.
For Window parts, this event is signalled even if showHoverHelp of hoverHelpDescriptor is set to false, so that the event can still be used to signal when to remove hover help information from an information area.
The hoverHelpRequested event indicates that hover help is about to be displayed over the part or one of its children. You can use this event to signal when to display hover help information in an information area. This event is only signaled if the part has hoverHelpEnabled set to true.
When the event is signaled, the UI process may be blocked. Therefore, do not send any messages that get processed by the UI process, such as Transcript show.
This event passes a parameter, whose class is AbtEwIconHoverHelpCallbackData. The parameter has the following attributes for specifying settings for the hover help:
hoverArea (AbtBasicView)
Specifies the hover area that contains the item under the mouse pointer
isHoverHelpShown (Boolean)
Specifies whether or not the hover help is shown
item (AbtBasicView)
Specifies the item under the mouse pointer
labelString (String)
Specifies the hover help string to display, if any. If the item under the pointer is a graphic push button, the default hover help string is the item's labelString attribute. Otherwise, the default value is nil. A value of nil causes no hover help to be displayed.
pointerLocation (Point)
Specifies the location of the mouse pointer relative to the screen.
For Window parts, this event is signalled even if showHoverHelp of hoverHelpDescriptor is set to false, so that the event can still be used to signal when to remove hover help information from an information area.
The notebookSwitchedFromMe event signals that the part was previously the top page of a notebook but another page has just replaced it as the top page.
The notebookSwitchedToMe event signals that the notebook page has just been turned to by the user or application.
The openedWidget event signals that the part has been opened and displayed on the screen.
The popUpMenuRequest event signals that the pop-up menu for the part has been requested.
If the menu attribute is connected to a Menu part, that menu part is displayed unless you change the menu attribute as a result of this event. You can change the menu attribute to include your own menu or leave it unchanged to use the original setting.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015