Visual Parts Reference : Parts Reference : OS/2 - Windows Notebook
OS/2 - Windows Notebook
Select the OS/2-Windows Notebook part to add a part that resembles a bound notebook. Notebook pages are separated into sections by tabbed divider pages. Using a Notebook part you can collect the information you want to display into distinct categories. You can then place each category on a separate notebook page. For example, the settings view windows used in VA Smalltalk are notebooks.
A user can turn notebook pages and move from one section of the notebook to another.
When you first add a Notebook part to your application the notebook contains an initial page. You can add parts, such as Push Button and Text parts, to the pages.
OS/2 - Windows Notebook   
This part appears in either the OS/2 or Windows category, depending on which product you have installed. If you have AIX installed, you do not have access to this part.
Class Name:
To display the pop-up menu for the part, click with mouse button 2 on the part.
To further define the appearance and function of a part, double-click on it to open the properties window.
Last modified date: 09/20/2018