Ordered Collection actions
add: (Object)
The add: action adds an element to the Ordered Collection part.
add: (Object) afterIndex: (Integer)
The add:afterIndex: action adds an element to the Ordered Collection part after the specified index.
add: (Object) beforeIndex: (Integer)
The add:beforeIndex: action adds an element to the Ordered Collection part before the specified index.
addAll: (Collection)
The addAll: action adds all elements from the collection parameter to this ordered collection.
addAll: (Collection) afterIndex: (Integer)
The addAll:afterIndex: action adds all elements from the collection parameter to this ordered collection after the specified index.
addAll: (Collection) beforeIndex: (Integer)
The addAll:beforeIndex: action adds all elements from the collection parameter to this ordered collection before the specified index.
at: (Integer)
The at: action returns the element at the specified index. The index must be within the range defined by the current size of the ordered collection.
at: (Integer) put: (Object)
The at:put: action enables you to put an element at a specific location. The index must be within the range defined by the current size of the ordered collection.
atIndex: (Integer)
The atIndex: action returns the element at the specified index. The index must be within the range defined by the current size of the ordered collection.
copyFrom: (Integer) to: (Integer)
The copyFrom:to: action returns a collection containing a subset of the contents of the Ordered Collection. The range of objects included in the subset is defined by the specified indexes.
includes: (Object)
The includes: action provides information about whether the specified item is in the Ordered Collection part. The includes: action returns true if the specified item is in the Ordered Collection part and returns false if the specified item is not in the Ordered Collection part.
indexOf: (Object)
The indexOf: action returns the index of the specified element in the ordered collection and 0 if it is not included in the collection.
remove: (Object)
The remove: action removes an element. If there are duplicate elements, only one is removed.
removeAll: (Collection)
The removeAll: action removes all elements from this ordered collection which exist in the other collection. If any element in the other collection has no equivalent in the receiver's collection, nothing is removed from the receiver.
removeAtIndex: (Integer)
The removeAtIndex: action removes the item at the specified index in the collection.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015