Multi-row Query events
An accessSetName event indicates a change in the name of a class in your application which is used to store the application specifications for your query, stored procedure and connection specifications.
An autoCommit event sends the part a signal that you want updates made to the data automatically committed to the database.
A blockFetch event indicates the way rows are retrieved from the database has changed.
A blockFetchSize event indicates a change in the size of the block you want to fetch.
A connectionAlias event signals a change in the connection spec, which contains the database manager and data source name for the query.
A dataManagerClass event indicates a change in name of the database manager.
A dataManagerName event indicates a change in name of the database manager.
A dataName event indicates a change in name of the database.
A deferUpdates event indicates a change in when you want updates sent.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
An errorBlock event indicates a change in the block of code that's run when an error occurs in the data access code.
An executed event signals a change in execution status (whether or not the query has been executed).
The executedQuery event indicates that the query has executed.
The executedQuerySuccessfully event indicates that the query has executed successfully.
The executedQueryWithError event indicates that the query has executed successfully.
A lastError event indicates the last error that occurred has changed.
A lobDefinitionSpec event signals a change in the collection of definitions for each result column that has a LOB (large object) data type.
The lobDefinitionUpdateRequest event indicates that a LOB definition is about to be used. Connect to this event when you want to change the LOB definition. For example, you can change the filename if the LOB definition is a file descriptor.
A lockCurrentRow event indicates the current row is locked.
A maximumNumberRows event indicates a change in the number of rows that can be returned by running this query.
A packageSpecName event indicates the name of the database package specification that the query (and any necessary generated queries) will be stored in, has changed. A package specification is used to make SQL statements run as static SQL rather than dynamic. To ensure that all necessary SQL statements are generated and included in the package specification, you should set the value of packageSpecName only via the Multi-Row Query Settings window.
A packetEnabled event indicates a change in how rows are retrieved, in packets or all rows retrieved at once.
A querySpecName event indicates a change in the name of the query spec.
The readOnly event signals the part that the user is unable to modify the existing text. No changes can be made to the part, by the user.
A resultTable event indicates a change in the actual Query Result table part created by the database query.
A self event indicates that the value of the target part itself has changed.
An updateColumns event signals a change in the collection of column names that will be set in an update. If the column is not listed, it will not be updated.
An updateIndex event indicates a change in the collection of names to be used as an index when locking and updating a row.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015